Developed by a team of experts at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB), part of the University of Alabama System, GuideSafe™ promotes safer entry methods through tools and actions. By using testing and self-reporting the GuideSafe app provides ongoing COVID-19 monitoring, so you can make informed decisions and help stop the spread.
GuideSafe™ Tools
Exposure Notification App
facilitates anonymous self-reporting and automates alerts to individuals with previous proximity or close contact with a later positive COVID-19 person
Event Passport
a COVID-19 assessment tool for meetings, conferences, and events of more than 10 people
Personalized COVID Contact Center
responds to requests for education on benefits related to COVID-19, next steps for issues raised within the online tools, and more
GuideSafe™ Healthcheck
Healthcheck is a nationwide COVID-19 assessment tool that allows users to report COVID-19 related symptoms and exposure. Participation is encouraged daily, but the frequency of reporting is determined by the public health and medical guidance relevant to each organization utilizing Healthcheck for returning to campus or work.

User completes Healthcheck, a COVID-19 assessment tool.

No symptoms. No contact. Cleared to re-enter.

Risk Stratification with actionable information at every level.

Reported symptoms and contact. Not permitted to re-enter.

Compliance report sent to organizational designee.
Symptoms/close contact reported to supervisor or human resources.

Quarantine and testing.
GuideSafe™ Exposure Notification App
Download GuideSafe™ Exposure Notification App. Enable Bluetooth.
When within six feet of others, phones exchange encrypted, anonymous contact beacons via Bluetooth.

Anonymously notify others when you have a positive result.
You are anonymously notified of previous close contact with someone who later reports a COVID-19 positive test result, within a 14-day period of contact with the individual.
Privacy is our Priority
The user controls all data they want to share, and the decision to share it. GuideSafe™ Exposure Notification App does NOT collect:
Date of Birth
Contact Information
Specific Location Data
GuideSafe™ Event Passport
Event Passport is used to facilitate access to meetings, events, or facilities having ten or more people. Event attendees will complete Healthcheck, a COVID-19 assessment tool. Event Passport is issued based on a proprietary risk algorithm. Each user is assigned a unique passport number indicating their status for the upcoming event. Event Passport can also be used to ensure compliance with reporting requirements by denying facility, meeting or event access to individuals who have not completed the required assessment.

User completes Healthcheck, a COVID-19 assessment tool.

User assigned a unique passport number indicating status for event
Personalized COVID Contact Center
We can set up a Personalized COVID-19 Contact Center for your organization. Personalized COVID Contact Center services powered by Guideway Care, our implementation parter, include education on benefits related to COVID-19, next steps for issues raised within the online tools, and support for general questions.
Personalized COVID Contact Center, powered by Guideway Care, services include:
Education on benefits related to COVID-19
Next steps for issues raised within the online tools
Support for general questions
Wear a Mask
When in public, wear a face covering over your nose and mouth.
Wash Hands
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
Reduce Exposure
Stay home when you are sick or experience symptoms, except to get medical care.
Social Distance
Stay at least 6 feet apart (about two arms’ lengths) at all times.
GuideSafe™ Goals
Monitor COVID-19 among large populations, such as universities and businesses, for entry.
Mitigate risk to further exposure of COVID-19 in an effort to limit the spread of the virus.
Notify of exposure of positive COVID-19 individuals within our state.
Balance the entry to business operations with the health and safety of employees and visitors in mind.
Facilitate large-scale events, conferences, and meetings as we balance the pandemic
Ready to learn more about the GuideSafe™ Platform?
Complete the form below to request more information about the GuideSafe™ Platform.